Energy savings tips
Learn how your home uses energy, how you can save energy and spend less on your energy bill.
AES Ohio wants to help you save energy and money by educating you on how your home uses energy.
This chart is a great start. You will see this chart throughout our energy-saving tips pages to indicate which piece of your energy usage you could reduce if you follow our tips.

Energy saving tips for your home

Cold weather tips
Stay warm and save money with AES Ohio's cold weather energy saving tips.

Hot weather tips
Hot weather doesn't have to mean a big bill. Stay cool for less with our tips to save energy in hot weather.

Water heating tips
Your water heater is the second highest energy user in your home. AES Ohio has tips to help you save energy and water.

Appliance tips
Home appliances are used year-round, so be sure you're being as efficient as possible with these energy saving tips.

Lighting tips
Saving energy can be as easy as changing a light bulb.

Electronics tips
The energy used by home electronics left on or in standby mode can add up on your energy bill.

Weatherization tips
Many DIY projects can help you save energy at home.

Other energy savers
We have a few extra tips to help you save energy at home.